The relationship between female representation at strategic level and firm’s competitiveness: Evidences from cargo logistic firms of Pakistan and Canada

Adnan Ul Haque*, Riffat Faizan, Antje Cockrill

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23 Citations (Scopus)


The comparative study investigates the impact of various attributes such as feminine leadership style, gender diversity, and autonomy linked with the female representation at strategic level on the performance and competitiveness of the Cargo Logistic Firms in the contrasting economies; Pakistan and Canada. Previous studies offered limited insight due to unidimensional while this study takes multivariate approach, considering; variable of interest examined in terms of economies and gender. Cross-sectional research design following semi-structured questionnaire circulated among targeted audience by combining of stratified (probability) and convenience, purposive, and snowball (non-probability) sampling technique at layers of management. The combined sample size is 631 employees. The results showed that females prefer more flexible leadership style in comparison to males. Organisations having high gender diversity and female representation at strategic level are more progressive and innovative. Interestingly, in developing economies, rapid career growth chances are higher for females. Females are more people oriented while male are more task-oriented. Males have high desire for autonomy at workplace.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-81
Number of pages13
JournalPolish Journal of Management Studies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Autonomy
  • Comparative analysis
  • Corporate hierarchy
  • Female representation
  • Gender diversity
  • Leadership style

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