Test-retest reliability and validity of Audioscan and Békésy compared with pure tone audiometry

Wan S. Ishak, Fei Zhao*, Dafydd Stephens, John Culling, Zhong Bai, Christian Meyer-Bisch

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15 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: With the development of more sophisticated and sensitive measures of auditory dysfunction, both the Audioscan test and Békésy audiometry can provide detailed information on hearing status between the octaves, which has clinical importance. This study investigated the reliability and validity of Audioscan and Békésy audiometry. Method: Audioscan and Bekesy audiometry were undertaken at a comparable sweep rate in 21 subjects with normal hearing. Each subject underwent conventional pure tone audiometry, Audioscan and Békésy audiometry. Test sessions were conducted on four consecutive days. Results: The results indicate that more than 90% of participants had variability of hearing threshold of less than 10dB at all frequencies. Median variances for thresholds obtained from Audioscan were less than 10dB2 for all frequencies except 4.0 kHz. In contrast, thresholds obtained from Békésy showed greater variance, more than 15dB2 at all frequencies when it was undertaken at the same sweep rate. Audioscan results were in excellent agreement with the PTA at all frequencies except at 0.25, 6 and 8 kHz, whereas Békésy results differed significantly from PTA at all frequencies except at 6 kHz. Conclusion: Data from the present study indicate that the Audioscan can provide reliable and valid hearing thresholds. However, a slow sweep rate appears to be more desirable for Békésy audiometry to improve its reliability and validity in detecting hearing sensitivity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)40-46
Number of pages7
JournalAudiological Medicine
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Audioscan
  • Békésy
  • reliability and validity

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