Objective assessment of stiffness in the gastrocnemius muscle in patients with symptomatic Achilles tendons

Gafin Morgan*, Rhodri Martin, Helen Welch, Lisa Williams, Keith Morris

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Objectives To establish quantitative values of stiffness for the gastrocnemius muscle in patients diagnosed with Achilles tendinopathy. Design Case-control study with a single (cross sectional) time point of patients diagnosed with unilateral Achilles tendinopathy and an asymptomatic group. Methods Sample of 50 participants: 25 participants with symptomatic unilateral Achilles tendinopathy (symptomatic group) with the asymptomatic side of this group used as a control (control group 1). A third group of 25 participants with asymptomatic Achilles tendons (control group 2). Mechanical stiffness parameters, including natural oscillation frequency (F), dynamic stiffness (S), mechanical stress relaxation time (R), logarithmic decrement (D) and creep (C), were assessed using the MyotonPRO. Measurements at the medial and lateral gastrocnemii were taken as non-weight bearing (NWB) and weight bearing (WB). Results Significant (p<0.05) differences were observed between the mean symptomatic group and control groups 1 and 2 in the WB and NWB conditions for natural oscillation frequency (F), dynamic stiffness (S), and creep (C). There was a significant reduction in S WB and conversely a significant increase in S of the symptomatic group NWB. Creep (C) and mechanical stress relaxation time (R) were significantly (p<0.05) less in the symptomatic group NWB. Significant differences were observed between the NWB and WB data sets for logarithmic decrement (D). NWB D demonstrated significantly (p<0.05) higher scores than the WB condition. Conclusion This study demonstrated that there was a significant reduction in stiffness of the gastrocnemius muscle in participants with Achilles tendinopathy compared with the two control groups. The WB MyotonPRO measures for the symptomatic groups of F and S were significantly lower, indicating a decrease in the tonal properties (F) and dynamic stiffness (S) of the muscle. The application of MyotonPRO technology to measure changes in stiffness in the gastrocnemius muscle may be useful to measure as part of a rehabilitation programme where specific attention could be placed to increase the tonal properties of the muscle. Further studies are required to develop a robust clinical application of this technology, particularly with regard to Achilles tendinopathy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number000622
JournalBMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2019


  • Achilles tendon
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Soleus
  • Sports Medicine
  • Stiffness
  • Tendinopathy

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