Learning the High Bar Longswing:I. Task Dynamics and Emergence of the Coordination Pattern

Gareth Irwin*, Genevieve K.R. Williams, David G. Kerwin, Hans von Lieres und Wilkau, Karl M. Newell

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4 Citations (Scopus)


We studied novice gymnasts (N = 25) learning to form the longswing movement coordination pattern. The focus was the emerging behavioural organisation of centre of mass (CM) dynamics and the relative phase of the bar–CM angular motion. Seven novices learned a complete longswing by the end of the study, 8 novices showed no improvement in proportion of circle completed, and the remainder produced modest but persistent increments of final swing height without achieving a full circle. The radial angular velocity generated in the free fall phase and the circle location of bar-CM relative phase progressively and predominantly predicted circle completion. Bar-CM relative phase produced a consistent qualitative relation within- and between-subjects characteristic of a collective variable with the bar leading the CM on the initial downward antiphase segment and the CM leading on the upward antiphase segment. The ratio of these phases was related by the last practice session to degree of circle completion. The findings showed strong individual differences in the effect of practice on the early steps of learning the movement coordination where the progressive emergence of the longswing circle is driven by exploiting the positive- and minimising the negative-influence of gravity on the bar–CM coordination dynamics (candidate collective variable).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2683-2697
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Sports Sciences
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jul 2021


  • biomechanics
  • collective variable
  • early stage of learning
  • motor control
  • – gymnastics

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