Inclusion of Game-Based Stimulus During Flywheel Resistance Training Positively Influences Physical Performance in Handball Players

Marc Madruga-Parera, Pedro T. Esteves, John F. T. Fernandes, Vicente Beltrán-Garrido, Stephen Bird, Nuno Leite, Daniel Romero-Rodriguez, Jorge Arede

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Handball is a body-contact Olympic ball sport that is characterized by fast-paced defensive and offensive actions. Players must coordinate explosive movements (e.g. changing of direction) and handball-specific skills (e.g. passing). Maximizing performance requires a systematic approach to training that includes physical, psychological, technical, and tactical preparation.

Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the effects of movement-based (MOV; unspecific sport stimulus) or game-based (GAM; sport-specific stimulus) flywheel resistance training intervention in highly trained youth handball players. 

Method: Twenty-five highly trained youth male handball players completed two sessions per week of flywheel resistance training (MOV, n = 12; GAM, n = 13) over the 7-week intervention period. Change-of-direction tests (180º change-of-direction speed test of both legs and test) and handball-throwing test were conducted before and after the intervention. 

Results: Both groups significantly improved V-cut, and 180º Change-of-direction speed test performance (p <.05; d = 0.79–2.05). Notwithstanding, the GAM group demonstrated greater improvements in V-cut and COD180 ASY compared with the MOV group (p <.05) with small effect. Handball throwing speed performance remained unchanged independently of training condition (p >.05). 

Conclusions: These findings provide further support for the training principle of “specificity” and highlight the importance of including a game-based training stimulus during resistance training. This is a key consideration for coaches wanting to enhance physical performance in youth handball players.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jul 2024


  • Cutting
  • eccentric-overload training
  • jumping
  • specificity
  • strength

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