Impact of Blackboard Technology Acceptance on Students Learning in Saudi Arabia

Tahani Ali Hakami, Bassam Al-Shargabi, Omar Sabri, Syed Md Faisal Ali Khan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The information revolution has transformed higher education. After the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers and instructors were encouraged to improve technology-enhanced teaching methods. Furthermore, various factors influenced the adoption of internet and digital-based technologies as an aspect of teaching methodology, including its usefulness, ease of use, supporting environment and attitude towards tech-nology. This research employed the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) to assess student acceptance of Blackboard Learn at Saudi Arabian universities. We investigated via Blackboard Learn the technology usefulness, perceived ease of use, and impact on attitudes regarding student performance and technology acceptance. This study established that the readiness of learning through the Blackboard platform depended on the user’s acceptance of it and its perceived benefits on student learning outcomes. We implemented an exploratory study design in Saudi Arabia, focusing on 500 respondents to survey questionnaires and interviews with those who attended government and private universities. We investigated the influence of numerous predictor variables on the equation using Hierarchical Regression. Computer anxiety, demographic factors, technological complexity, convenience, and self-efficacy did not support any correlation with Blackboard Learning. However, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use demonstrated a significant impact on Blackboard learning.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Educators Online
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • blackboard learning
  • higher education
  • learning
  • perceived ease of use
  • students learning

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