Mae iechyd meddwl gwael a diffyg lles yn broblem ddigynsail ymhlith plant
heddiw. Cynigia Seligman (2011) y dylid gofalu am les a hapusrwydd drwy ddulliau seicoleg
bositif. Mae asesiad PERMA (Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning,
Accomplishments/Achievements) (Butler a Kern 2015) yn gofyn i unigolion hunanasesu i
ba raddau y maent yn ‘ffynnu’. Bwriad y prosiect peilot hwn oedd asesu gwerth y proffiliwrPERMA fel teclyn i adnabod agweddau ar iechyd meddwl a lles cyffredinol disgyblion
blwyddyn 7 mewn tair ysgol uwchradd. Yn dilyn yr holiadur cyntaf, cynigwyd ystod o
strategaethau dylunio cyffredinol i athrawon eu defnyddio cyn asesu eto ar ddiwedd y
tymor. Awgryma’r canlyniadau werth teclyn hunanasesu i nodi lefelau cyffredinol iechyd
meddwl a lles disgyblion ac i nodi’r unigolion hefyd sydd yn debygol o brofi anawsterau
dwys yn ddiweddarach.
Poor mental health and well-being is an unprecedented problem among children today. Seligman (2011) proposes that well-being and happiness should be supported through positive psychology approaches. The PERMA-profiler (Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishments/Achievements) (Butler and Kern 2015) requires individuals to self-assess levels of ‘flourishing’. This pilot project aimed to assess the value of the PERMA-profiler as a tool to identify the general mental health and well-being of year 7 pupils in three secondary schools. Following the first questionnaire, teachers were offered general class design strategies before pupils were reassessed at the end of the term. Results suggest the value of a self-assessment tool in identifying the overall levels of pupils’ mental health and well-being and also the early identification of individuals who may experience subsequent difficulties.
heddiw. Cynigia Seligman (2011) y dylid gofalu am les a hapusrwydd drwy ddulliau seicoleg
bositif. Mae asesiad PERMA (Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning,
Accomplishments/Achievements) (Butler a Kern 2015) yn gofyn i unigolion hunanasesu i
ba raddau y maent yn ‘ffynnu’. Bwriad y prosiect peilot hwn oedd asesu gwerth y proffiliwrPERMA fel teclyn i adnabod agweddau ar iechyd meddwl a lles cyffredinol disgyblion
blwyddyn 7 mewn tair ysgol uwchradd. Yn dilyn yr holiadur cyntaf, cynigwyd ystod o
strategaethau dylunio cyffredinol i athrawon eu defnyddio cyn asesu eto ar ddiwedd y
tymor. Awgryma’r canlyniadau werth teclyn hunanasesu i nodi lefelau cyffredinol iechyd
meddwl a lles disgyblion ac i nodi’r unigolion hefyd sydd yn debygol o brofi anawsterau
dwys yn ddiweddarach.
Poor mental health and well-being is an unprecedented problem among children today. Seligman (2011) proposes that well-being and happiness should be supported through positive psychology approaches. The PERMA-profiler (Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishments/Achievements) (Butler and Kern 2015) requires individuals to self-assess levels of ‘flourishing’. This pilot project aimed to assess the value of the PERMA-profiler as a tool to identify the general mental health and well-being of year 7 pupils in three secondary schools. Following the first questionnaire, teachers were offered general class design strategies before pupils were reassessed at the end of the term. Results suggest the value of a self-assessment tool in identifying the overall levels of pupils’ mental health and well-being and also the early identification of individuals who may experience subsequent difficulties.
Translated title of the contribution | Evaluating the PERMA-profiler to identify and support pupil mental health in the transition to secondary school |
Original language | Welsh |
Pages (from-to) | 1-25 |
Journal | Gwerddon |
Issue number | 35 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published - Apr 2023 |