Do contextual factors influence running and accelerometry GPS based variables in professional women soccer players? A case study about the effect of match location and result

Rafael Oliveira*, Halil İbrahim Ceylan, Renato Fernandes, Ryland Morgans, Hadi Nobari, Matilde Nalha, João Paulo Brito

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The aims of this study were to compare external match load between home and away matches as well as the result of the match (win, draw, and loss). The secondary aim was to quantify external training load that preceded the next match taking into account both match location and result. Ten elite women soccer players participated in the study (age 24.6 ± 2.3 years). Seven home and seven away matches in which four wins, three draws, and seven losses occurred. The following global positioning system (GPS) metrics were analyzed: duration, total distance, high-speed running distance (HSR, ≥15 km h−1), number of accelerations (ACC) and decelerations (DEC), average speed, and player load. There were no significant differences between match results and match locations. Regarding comparisons of training data preceding different match results, only duration and player load did not differ while HSR, number of ACC and DEC showed to be higher when the next match was a loss (p < 0.05, moderate to very large effect). Regarding comparisons of training data preceding different match locations, only duration, total distance, and player load did not differ while HSR, average speed, number of ACC and DEC in all zones were higher when the next match was at home (p < 0.05, moderate to very large effect). In conclusion, this study showed that match result and location did not have a significant effect on GPS metrics exhibited during match-day. However, training data influenced the contextual factors of the next match which should be considered when planning training sessions.

Original languageEnglish
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
Early online date16 Aug 2023
Publication statusPublished - 16 Aug 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Acceleration
  • BPI league
  • Female soccer players
  • away games
  • deceleration
  • football
  • high-speed running
  • home games
  • load
  • match outcome
  • professional soccer
  • situational variables
  • win
  • women athletes

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