Consumer risk perceptions concerning different consequences of foodborne disease acquired from food consumed away from home: A case study in Brazil

Luis D.Avoglio Zanetta, Mariana Piton Hakim, Elke Stedefeldt, Veridiana Vera de Rosso, Luís Miguel Cunha, Elizabeth C. Redmond, Diogo Thimoteo da Cunha*

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21 Citations (Scopus)


Foodborne diseases (FBD) generate a substantial burden on society and individual; however, it is not clear how consumers perceive the impact of different consequences of FBD on individual lifestyles. This study aims to investigate consumer risk perceptions of FBD, considering different consequences and scenarios. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 150 consumers from ten restaurants in Brazil. Consumers were interviewed in the restaurant post-food consumption to determine the personal risk of experiencing FBD. The restaurant food safety measures was assessed using a validated checklist. A FBD risk score was calculated. Ten questions were used to assess consumers' risk perceptions. The likelihood perception (L) of FBD was measured according to three contexts: actual restaurant of food consumption, another restaurant, and the consumers’ home. The consequences (C) of FBD on consumers' lifestyle were measured considering the impact on financial, performance, social, physical, psychological, and time aspects. Thus, 21 measures of cumulative risk perception (3L x 7C) were established. Findings indicated that consumers perceived the likelihood of FBD as low, mainly when considering food consumed at the actual restaurant and home. It is noted that risk perception was determined as higher when considering performance, physical, and time consequences. There was no association between the risk assessment determined for the restaurant and consumer risk perceptions from such restaurants. Consumers were skeptical about their personal likelihood of experiencing FBD, unaware of the actual risk associated with FDB. However, consumers consider that the impact of FBD on their performance, physical, and time is relevant. In a multidimensional way the risk assessment could be helpful to understand consumer behavior relating to food and restaurant choices. Understanding consumer fears and perceptions generate invaluable insight and data that can be used to develop targeted educational campaigns and food safety strategies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108602
JournalFood Control
Early online date28 Oct 2021
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2021


  • Consumer
  • Food away from home
  • Foodservice
  • Restaurant
  • Risk perception

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