Coach learning and coach education: Portuguese expert coaches' perspective

Isabel Mesquita, Joana Ribeiro*, Sofia Santos, Kevin Morgan

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The aim of this study was to analyze Portuguese expert coaches' conceptions of learning sources that promote long-term coach development and the extent to which these sources are currently present in coach education programs. Six expert coaches were individually interviewed, using a semistructured format and the interviews were analyzed using QSR N6 Nudist software. The results highlighted the participants' awareness of the uniqueness of coach education, emphasizing the importance of reflecting and engaging with a variety of learning experiences. Findings also revealed dissatisfaction with the current dominant education framework in Portugal, which remains excessively didactic and classroom-orientated. In contrast, the participants externalized a constructivist approach for coach education assuming the need for theoretical knowledge to be framed in practical contexts, where they have the opportunity to share and reflect their own and others' experiences to develop learning. Such a position echoes Sfard's acquisition and participation learning metaphors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)124-136
Number of pages13
JournalSport Psychologist
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014


  • Coach education
  • Expert coaches
  • Learning situations
  • Sources of knowledge

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