Analysing wideband absorbance immittance in normal and ears with otitis media with effusion using machine learning

Emad M. Grais, Xiaoya Wang, Jie Wang, Fei Zhao*, Wen Jiang, Yuexin Cai, Lifang Zhang, Qingwen Lin, Haidi Yang*

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17 Citations (Scopus)


Wideband Absorbance Immittance (WAI) has been available for more than a decade, however its clinical use still faces the challenges of limited understanding and poor interpretation of WAI results. This study aimed to develop Machine Learning (ML) tools to identify the WAI absorbance characteristics across different frequency-pressure regions in the normal middle ear and ears with otitis media with effusion (OME) to enable diagnosis of middle ear conditions automatically. Data analysis included pre-processing of the WAI data, statistical analysis and classification model development, and key regions extraction from the 2D frequency-pressure WAI images. The experimental results show that ML tools appear to hold great potential for the automated diagnosis of middle ear diseases from WAI data. The identified key regions in the WAI provide guidance to practitioners to better understand and interpret WAI data and offer the prospect of quick and accurate diagnostic decisions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number10643
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 May 2021

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