An in-depth appraisal of career termination experiences in professional cricket

Claire Marie Roberts*, Richard Mullen, Lynne Evans, Ross Hall

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Abstract: This qualitative study explored the career termination experiences of 9 male, retired professional cricketers between the ages of 28 and 40 (mean value 34, s = 4.65 m). The participants took part in retrospective, semi-structured interviews. Data from the interviews were inductively content analysed within three transition phases of the retirement process: reasons for retirement, factors affecting adaptation and reactions to retirement. The reasons for retirement were multicausal with the majority of the participants highlighting contractual pressures and a lack of communication as important precursors to retirement. Three main themes accounted for the factors affecting adaptation: a limited pursuit of other interests, developmental experiences and coping strategies. In terms of reactions to retirement, all of the participants reflected negatively on the termination of their career, with a sense of loss and resentment characterising the post-retirement period. The findings illustrated the sport-specific nature of career termination in professional cricket and added further support to the emerging consensus that the distinction between voluntary and involuntary retirement is, at best, unclear.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)935-944
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Sports Sciences
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2015


  • antecedents
  • cricket
  • life satisfaction
  • retirement
  • transitions

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