A perspective on consultancy teams and technology in applied sport psychology

Tim Pitt*, Pete Lindsay, Owen Thomas, Mark Bawden, Simon Goodwill, Sheldon Hanton

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Objectives and method: This article introduces the concept of consultancy teams to a sport psychology readership, presenting an overview of initial applications and findings of this approach in applied settings. Although the notion and application of consultancy teams in therapeutic settings has been around for many years (e.g., Weakland, Fisch, Watzlawick, & Bodin, 1974), they have yet to be explored within our discipline. Here, we present the theoretical foundations and historical application of consultancy team models, outlining our experience of using consultancy teams in an applied sport psychology setting. Moving towards the development of expertise and excellence in team consultancy methods, we subsequently describe how this process was assisted with the use of technology (i.e., the iPsych system). Results and conclusions: When consultancy teams practice it is necessary for one practitioner (the primary practitioner) to conduct the session with the client. The remaining team (the observation team) allows the primary practitioner maximum involvement with the client, while simultaneously assisting them to solve the presenting problem. The implications of working in this manner, alongside the novel use of technology, are considered with respect to the consultancy process and the development of excellence in training (neophyte) and existing practitioners. It is hoped that this article will provoke interest among sport psychologists in this way of consulting and direct thought towards other novel approaches to delivering interventions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)36-44
Number of pages9
JournalPsychology of Sport and Exercise
Issue numberP1
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jul 2014


  • IPsych
  • Observation team
  • Problem solving
  • Solution-focused
  • Team consultancy

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