ERASMUS+ Developing Sports Managers & Leaders Across Europe (DSMLE) UK Muliplier Event

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganising a conference, workshop, ...


Multiplier events are those events that are organised to share the intellectual outputs of a project with a wider audience. In order to
share the results of the project beyond the partners many different stakeholders and potential multiplier/users will be invited
including: national/regional/local institutions; other academics, sport organisations; and national agencies active in the field of Sport &
Physical Activity.

The main findings of the key research phases will be presented with a specific attention to exchange the practices and encourage the use of the results. These events are aimed at discussing the state of the sport management training and development provision and the career perceptions of sport management students and practicing sport managers .
Events will be organised and coordinated by
each partner at local level, but also other
partners will be actively involved in the
preparation and presentations to be offered.
PeriodOct 2022
Event typeSeminar
Degree of RecognitionNational