A complete transmission acknowledgement scheme for VANETs

Z. Shafiq, S. A. Mahmud, G. M. Khan, H. Zafar, H. S. Al-Raweshidy

Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddCyfraniad mewn cynhadleddadolygiad gan gymheiriaid

9 Dyfyniadau (Scopus)


One of the distinct features of a Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) over a typical Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is its high processing capability due to no battery constraint. Reliable communication is very important in VANETs for providing safety messages, warning messages and other critical information for driver's assistance. However, congestion may occur due to continuous acknowledgement for providing reliability. Moreover, nodes might interact with each other for a very short duration of time due to different speeds and direction. Sending acknowledgements instead of actual data during that critical time will cause loss of packets. Realizing such constraints, we propose Complete Transmission Acknowledgement Scheme (CTAS) an efficient acknowledgement scheme that utilizes processing capability of vehicular nodes. In our proposed scheme, an acknowledgement is sent by the receiving node after the complete transmission of all the packets by the sending node. We further analyze the correctness and efficiency properties of the proposed Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) scheme. When compared to present acknowledgement schemes, better throughput and packet delivery ratio is achieved.

Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Teitl2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, ITST 2013
CyhoeddwrIEEE Computer Society
Nifer y tudalennau6
ISBN (Argraffiad)9781479908462
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 19 Rhag 2013
Cyhoeddwyd yn allanolIe
Digwyddiad2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, ITST 2013 - Tampere, Y Ffindir
Hyd: 5 Tach 20137 Tach 2013

Cyfres gyhoeddiadau

Enw2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, ITST 2013


Cynhadledd2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, ITST 2013
Gwlad/TiriogaethY Ffindir

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