Centre for Applied Sports Science & Medicine (CASSM)

Proffil y sefydliad

Proffil sefydliad

Located within the Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences, the Centre for Applied Sports Science & Medicine (CASSM) brings together expertise from the fields of sport physiology, biomechanics, psychology, sports performance analysis, sports rehabilitation and strength and conditioning to produce high quality research to enhance human performance and to reduce the risk of sport-related injuries. Where, possible, CASSM seeks to address sector-leading and prominent societal problems using multi-disciplinary research that impacts applied and clinical practice and informs policy within sporting governing bodies.

One of the hallmarks of CASSM is the depth and breadth of research and innovation activities across a diverse group of staff, many of which consistently contribute to the University’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) submissions. Similarly, many staff within CASSM engage with national governing bodies, professional sports teams, technology companies, and other industry partners to develop solutions to the questions faced in high performance sport, talent development pathways, and recreational sports and physical activity.

Whilst the breadth of projects in CASSM are vast, some of the areas in which staff possess international reputations include but are not limited to: the biomechanics of sprinting and running, musculoskeletal loading, injury risk screening, physiology of endurance performance, applied sport psychology, sports performance analysis, strength and conditioning, sports rehabilitation, and youth physical development.

The vibrant community of doctoral researchers are an important feature of CASSM activities and staff members within the Centre are always keen to hear from prospective candidates wishing to pursue doctoral research.

Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy y CU

Yn 2015, cytunodd gwladwriaethau sy’n aelodau'r Cenhedloedd Unedig ar 17 o Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy (NDC) byd-eang i ddod â thlodi i ben, diogelu’r blaned a sicrhau ffyniant i bawb. Mae ein gwaith yn cyfrannu at y NDC canlynol:

  • NDC 3 - Iechyd a Llesiant Da
  • NDC 16 - Heddwch, Cyfiawnder a Sefydliadau Cadarn

Cydweithrediadau a’r prif feysydd ymchwil yn ystod y pum mlynedd ddiwethaf

Cydweithrediad allanol yn ddiweddar ar lefel gwlad/tiriogaeth. Plymiwch i mewn i'r manylion drwy glicio ar y dotiau neu