- 1 - 50 o 69 canlyniad
Canlyniadau chwilio
Abdelrahman Abuarqoub
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer Computer Security
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
Faizan Ahmad
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Lecturer Computer Science
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
Ijaz Ahmed
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Lecturer in Computer Science
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
Hasan Kahtan Khalaf Al-Ani
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
- Eureka Robotics Centre
Bassam Al-Shargabi
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering
- BioEngineering Research Group (BRG)
- Centre for industry 4.0 and Blockchain Research (CI4BCR)
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
Angesh Anupam
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Head of Department - Data Science
- NetZero and Sustainability Research Group
Imran Baig
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Centre for industry 4.0 and Blockchain Research (CI4BCR)
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
Sheikh Tahir Bakhsh
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
Barry L. Bentley, FRSB
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Reader in Bioengineering
- BioEngineering Research Group (BRG)
- Eureka Robotics Centre
Fiona Carroll
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Reader of Human Computer Interaction
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
Esyin Chew
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Reader in Robotics and Educational Technologies
- Eureka Robotics Centre
Edmore Chikohora
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering
- Centre for industry 4.0 and Blockchain Research (CI4BCR)
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
Issam Damaj
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Centre for Engineering Research in Intelligent Sensors and Systems (CeRISS)
- Centre for industry 4.0 and Blockchain Research (CI4BCR)
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
- Eureka Robotics Centre
Unigolyn: Academaidd, Anrhydeddus
Wai Keung Fung
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Electronics Robotics & or Control Engineering
- BioEngineering Research Group (BRG)
- Centre for Engineering Research in Intelligent Sensors and Systems (CeRISS)
- Eureka Robotics Centre
Chaminda Hewage
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Associate Dean Research (Interim)
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
Unigolyn: Academaidd
Glenn Jenkins
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Computer Games Development
- BioEngineering Research Group (BRG)
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
Karl Jones
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Technologies (Link Tutor)
- The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Education Research Group
Unigolyn: Academaidd
Imtiaz Khan
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Reader in Data Science
- Centre for industry 4.0 and Blockchain Research (CI4BCR)
Imtiaz Hussain Khan
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Centre for industry 4.0 and Blockchain Research (CI4BCR)
- Eureka Robotics Centre
John Macaulay
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Lecturer in Electronics
- Centre for Engineering Research in Intelligent Sensors and Systems (CeRISS)
Liqaa Nawaf
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
Bola Omisade
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
- Eureka Robotics Centre
Yr Athro Jon Platts, CEng
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Dean of Cardiff School of Technologies
Unigolyn: Academaidd
Amrita Prasad
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Lecturer in Data Science
- Centre for industry 4.0 and Blockchain Research (CI4BCR)
Ginu Rajan
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Reader in Sensor Technologies
- Centre for Engineering Research in Intelligent Sensors and Systems (CeRISS)
Vigneshraj Ramachandran Subramanian
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Technologies (Link Tutor)
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
Dr Rajkumar Singh Rathore, PhD, FHEA, SMIEEE, MIET, MBCS, MACM
- Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Centre for Engineering Research in Intelligent Sensors and Systems (CeRISS)
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
- NetZero and Sustainability Research Group