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Text summarisation is a digital approach to summarising ‘key’ information contained within texts, and the creation of shortened versions of texts based on this content. Text summarisation function is to provide succinct and coherent summaries to users, something that is often time-consuming and difficult to conduct manually. This is useful in the modern digital world where the creation and sharing of text is ever-increasing, as it enables users to navigate, and make sense of, the dearth of digital information that is available, with ease. This paper reports on work on a project which aims to develop an online Automatic Text Summarisation tool for the Welsh language, ACC (Adnodd Creu Crynodebau). This paper contextualises the need for this text summarisation tool, underlines how a dataset for training and testing the methods was created, and outlines plans for the development of the summariser.
28 Ion 2022
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Wales Academic Symposium on Language Technologies 2022